Welcome to our Membership:
Temple of Awakening Priestess School
This sacred space is dedicated to spiritual development.
A sacred space for the awakening of your higher self and healing.
This school is dedicated to the path of the priestess.
You are ready when you decide to be.
Find your own standing in spirituality by tapping into your inner knowing and being.
You don’t need to consume more information outside of yourself but tap into it within yourself.
There is no need to fear because you are the light in your own darkness.
Tap into inner knowing and being
Prepare for your awakening journey.
To be a healer of the next golden age cycle.
Claim the abundance in your life and manifest your wildest dreams through
the aligned way of walking the path of the priestess.
Become a wealthy healer.
Invite abundance and prosperity in your life by doing what you love.
Your soul has led you here for a reason,
To give you the choice to deepen your spiritual evolution.
To unlock your psychic senses.
To connect with your spirit team.
The choice is now yours:
Will you listen To the voice that says you’re not ready?
To the fear that wants to keep you from owning your power?
To the judgments of others who might label you as crazy?
Or will you listen to your soul's truth.
The choice is yours to tap into your inner knowing.
To sense the depth of who you are.
To explore your soul's origin.
The choice is yours:
To meet your divine self In the here and now
The choice is yours:
To become a Priestess of Omniscience
I know because I AM
I AM because I see
I feel because I AM
I AM because I hear
My senses awaken because I AM
I wanted to say thank you. I looked at the various courses in the membership and ultimately got stuck with Aphrodite Abundance. The first three weeks alone have already moved a lot in me and I'm excited to see how it goes on! Thanks for that!
After joining the Temple of Awakening Membership, you will receive instant access to the following courses.
This is the only online course you can buy without a membership.
to activate your Abundance DNA and to fully liberate yourself from old programs which hold you back from being the FEMININE WEALTH Embodiment.
Shift into the new paradigm of money.
The transformation in this online course will change the way to see, feel and experience money.
Changing your relationship with money based on new paradigm practices in order to heal what really matters.
Feel safe to attract and hold more money.
The purpose of this Immersion is to flow like a great river from deep within your being and out into your actions. With commitment we dedicate the path to recalibrate our money pattern. With devotion we embody the new WEALTH.
Receive clarity that is felt as a quiet and powerful warmth that courses through your whole being (not an emotional one).
Change how you
- View - Understand - Receive - Hold - Spend -
HERE is the one and only source about Karma that you will ever need.
Everyone nowadays is using the word
without actually understanding the deep meaning of Karma. Let me make one thing clear. Karma is not something bad or negative around the corner waiting to punish or to judge you.
Karma is Law!
A LAw of universe!
A spinning wheel until we wake up and recognize that we have the power to stop it!
We can not escape from it, but what we will learn in this Self-study course how to release it!
AND YES! It is that simple....and I will show you how.
Karma is woven into our existence. We constantly generate "positive" and "negative" Karma with each other, humans, animals, plants, minerals, the earth, countries etc.
But we also still carry so much of our own Karma through many incarnations, our ancestors and lineage, even farther to our star lineage.
In this Masterclass/Workshop we will dive to the Energy of Karma, how it is impacting our situation and even more important....how to transform the heavy and low vibrating Karma into light.
My approach and vision is to give you the tools to help yourself and lead you to empowerment. Karma is such a fascinating event in our lives and universe, but also so so easy to let go off! Let me show you how.
It is time to bring transformation to shadows and embody the archetype of Lilith and Hecate.
In this masterclass we will connect to the archetypes of this 2 Goddesses and work with their energies.
We will dive into the real essence of this goddesses and what they want to tell you!
Lilith is known to us as the first wife of Adam, but her real essence goes back to way more ancient origins than the Bible wants to tell us. Her Essence is so wild and pure like the Divine Mother herself. She is independent, wild, free and rebellious. Her archetype will help you step out of the "good girl" people pleaser attitude.
She lives in all of us! WILD CHILD!
Hecate is the archetype of the medicine woman. She holds the wisdom of the crone. The triple goddess herself is seeing the past, present and the future. She is overviewing all the possibilities and directions. When you are at the crossroads of your life and you don't know which road to take....ask Hecate the wise, for her advise!
"Seek the truth rather than stay in ignorance or denial. Speak the truth rather than staying in silence!“
After joining the Temple of Awakening Membership, you will receive instant access to the following courses.
Im Healers Bootcamp lösen wir gemeinsam die Ängste, die Wunden, die Blockaden, das Karma, die Traumata auf, die Dich daran hindern, deine volle Kraft, deine spirituellen Fähigkeiten und deine Gaben zu leben.
Du wirst durch tiefgehende Meditationen geführt, welche Du immer wieder nutzen kannst, wenn Du das Gefühl hast, die Verbindung zu Dir und deinen Fähigkeiten zu verlieren.
Dir werden kraftvolle Gebete und Invokationen an die Hand gegeben um Deine Stimme, deine Erinnerungen, deine Chakras von Blockaden zu erlösen und zu heilen.
Hol Dir deine Macht zurück und lass uns all die sabotierenden Blockaden, all die tiefen Wunden vergangener Leben auflösen, verbannen & für immer heilen.
WIR sind Mitbegründerinnen des Goldenen Zeitalters!
Healers, Priestesses, Sisters, Witches, Coaches, Schamanen, Psychics und alle mystischen Lightworkers da draussen.
Zeig den Menschen was für eine Macht in Dir steckt, denn gerade ist die Zeit des Wandels und die Menschen brauchen Dich und dein goldenes Strahlen.
Hol dir deine Macht zurück!
An alle von Euch, die sich verstecken und Ihre volle Größe und Macht nicht annehmen.
Vor Ihrer Macht Angst haben!
All die Gelübde, Schwüre, Eide die wir jemals angenommen haben, sind noch aktiv, sowie Wunden und Traumata, du uns daran hindern zu strahlen.
Erfahre über die Ursprünge deiner:
und heile diese!
Wie viel weißt Du über deine Yoni?
Über die Kraft, die in deinem Schoßraum geduldig wartet um entfesselt zu werden?
Du wolltest schon immer eine tiefere Verbindung zu deinem Schoßraum bekommen?
Wieder zurück in deine Weiblichkeit finden?
Deine Weiblichkeit heilen!
Deine weiblichen Ahnen heilen!
Dieser Workshop ist eine intensive Reise in die Welt der Yoni Wellness, der Verbindung von weiblichen und männlichen Energien. Einsteigerinnen und Fortgeschrittene kommen hier auf ihre Kosten. Jede wird genau DAS für sich finden, was sie und ihre Yoni jetzt gerade braucht.
Du bekommst ganz praktische Tipps, die Du zu einer täglichen Routine werden lassen kannst, um somit immer wieder eine tiefe Verbindung zu deinem Schoßraum aufzubauen. Der Workshop ist gespickt mit vielen Informationen über Gottheiten wie Shakti, Lalitha oder Chinnamasta. Du wirst in die Tiefen des Yin & Yang, der Blood Magic und des Shamanismus mitgenommen.
Geführte Meditationen schicken Dich auf deine Heilreise mit deinen Ahnen und gemeinsamen Wunden.
Durch die leicht verständlichen Audiodateien schaffst Du mit Yoni Wellness eine tiefe Verbindung mit deiner Weiblichkeit, deiner Kraft und deinem Schoßraum.
In dieser Masterclass lernst du die Grundlagen der männlichen und weiblichen Aspekte, welche in jedem von uns sind und was es bedeutet hier eine Balance zu finden.
Das Weibliche verkörpert die Schöpferkraft und in dieser Session lernen wir wieder in unsere weibliche Kraft zu kommen, sie zu heilen, für uns und für das Kollektiv, damit wir in unendlicher Fülle leben können. In einer tiefen Meditation wirst du dir das manifestieren wonach sich deine Seele sehnt und die ersten Schritte zu dieser Sehnsucht kreieren. Ist es immer finanziell oder sehnst du dich eigentlich nach etwas ganz anderem?
Erfahre über die Kraft der Balance von männlichen und weiblichen Energien.
Die heilige weibliche Kraft führt uns zur göttlichen Fülle.
Du bist Abundance
Erkenne und Erwecke deine Weiblichkeit!
Dieser Kurs ist der perfekte Flow, um deine weibliche Kraft und Fülle zu verstehen und umzusetzen.
We provide High Level Certifications and other resources for your Spiritual Development!